como y cuando usar aceite neem plantas

When and how should we use neem oil?

Neem oil is a perfect natural extract to take care of the health of your plants, since it acts as an insecticide thanks to its powerful properties.

For this reason, if you are looking for natural options for your crops that help you keep different pests away, you are in the right place. This time we will tell you how you can use neem oil, when it is recommended to use it, and how you can further enhance its effects in combination with potassium soap.

When to use neem oil?

We recommend using neem extract at the beginning of the day or at the end of it. This way you will take care of garden-friendly insects, such as ladybugs and bees, and also prevent the plants from burning through the reflection of sunlight.

How to use neem oil on your plants?

It is important to apply neem oil to the entirety of the plants, both the front and back of their leaves. In this way, once insects, fungi or other pests come into contact with this 100% sustainable product, they will begin to be weakened.

In Naukua we have different measures of organic neem oil, which already comes in a spray bottle. Therefore, the procedure is very simple, and you will only need to spray your crops following the guidelines that we will leave you below.


Aceite de Neem para plantas y flores 1 litro

In the event that it is a preventive treatment, we suggest repeating the application every two weeks. On the other hand, if you are looking to kill a pest or insect that has already spread, you should apply neem oil as an insecticide method with an intermittent 4 or 5 days, the ideal is to continue until you see that the insects or pests have been eradicated to 100%.

It should be noted that this product is highly effective, as it regulates the growth of pests, fungi and insects. Once these enemies come into contact with or ingest neem oil, they will not continue to feed, let alone mate. Therefore, once a few days have passed, you will see that the plague is eliminated.

aceite neem plantas


What is potassium soap and how could it help us?

Potassium soap is made up of water, lipids or fats, and potassium hydroxide. It is a natural insecticide that has no toxicity and helps control pests.

It is very effective against aphids and many other insects that usually affect crops. Although it causes aphids to suffocate, it is best used as a pest prevention method.

Another of its most outstanding functions is that it helps eliminate honeydew, a layer that aphids generally release above the plants, which ultimately could encourage the presence of the bold fungus.

Additionally, in addition to acting to prevent and eliminate pests, it provides plants with potassium, a key nutrient for their growth and development.

Potassium soap and neem oil for the care of your plants

Both neem oil and potassium soap can be used to prevent the arrival of pests, insects and fungi in crops. Therefore, the ideal is to combine both products to obtain the best results. To do this, you will need to use about 4 ml of neem oil, 20 ml of potassium soap and 1 liter of water. This mixture will serve to spray your plants. If you are looking for a preventive treatment, you can apply it once every 7 days. Now, if the pest is already established, you can spray this natural and powerful mixture more frequently.

Finally, keep in mind that you should not combine neem oil and sulfur, as this would generate toxic effects that could affect the well-being of your garden.



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